Home » Everything You Need to Know About the Nuna Demi Grow stroller

Everything You Need to Know About the Nuna Demi Grow stroller

by Jason

Everything You Need to Know About the Nuna Demi Grow stroller

I’m going to be describing everything you need to know if you’re interested in buying a Nuna Demi Grow stroller. There are many versions of the Nuna Demi Grow but I’m going to be talking about the 2022 version.

You’ll notice a very good improvement in the canopy of the 2022 version compared to the previous ones, and the presence of well structured mesh panels allow for cross ventilation. That is plus a window at the back for more air and.. Uhh.. “Peekability.”

Everything you need to know about the nuna Demi grow stroller

It has a great sun and uv protector, as well as in-built mosquito net which you can simply pull over the front of the stroller to cover your child. The quality of the material feels lighter and more premium than the previous brands.

It weighs 28.6 pounds in it’s lightest configuration and can fold down to 89 by 61 by 60 cm. It can carry up to 48 pounds per seat and 11 pounds on the detachable basket.

Although it can carry up to 48 pounds, it’s worth noting that a 48 pound child is technically going to be 6yrs old, however, it doesn’t mean it will be able to accommodate such child because of the size and width of the stroller. 28 to 33cm width and seat length of 98cm. The optimal age to use this is a 2yr old or at most, 2½.

Also, due to the handle length being high, we’re talking being adjustable between 104 and 111 cm. For perspective, if you’re a short parent, the best range of length for your stroller’s handlebar is between 85 to 115cm. It might not be too comfortable for you to push around if you’re quite short.

The model is meant to be folded in 3 pieces. You could do it for less but it will just look bulky. It’s tyres are designed in such a way that you will only be able to push it easily on smooth road conditions. Rougher terrains such as gravel and cobblestones will give you a hard time.

Pros of the Nuna Demi Grow stroller

  • It has well built suspension system.
  • The mechanisms attaching the tyres to the chassis is also well built, reducing the chances of it getting wobbly in the future.
  • Excellent sun and insect protection.

Cons of the Nuna Demi Grow stroller

  • Prone to rust in the braking system.
  • Mud guard to protect the wheels from both mud and the fingers of your curious child. Unfortunately, the mud guard is prone to collecting snow and preventing the wheels from rotating freely.
  • You’d have to lubricate the braking system and the bearing of the tyres often to prevent them from damaging due to rust.


I’m a bit ambivalent towards this product. It’s not the worst thing since… raisins, and it’s definitely not my favourite. It has an overall sturdy and solid structure but small seat size and handle length that’s not too comfortable for short people to push around. Also, as a two-child stroller, you won’t get the best quality from this brand.

On the plus side though, Nuna does offer a couple of discount and package deals if you’re worried about pricing. You decide!

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